:warning: Note: WsClient v6.8.0 and v6.8.2 include a packaging error and should be avoided Learn more here
This repository contains multiple Java-based libraries/tools which can be utilized to interact with HPCC Systems.
Feature and change requests are tracked via JIRA. Everybody is encouraged to report issues and contribute to the project. When opening JIRA tickets, make sure to set the project as “hpcc4j”.
:zap: Note: This project references log4j which has been reported to include security vulnerabilitie(s) in versions prior to v2.15.0 |
Utilizing HPCC4J with containized HPCC Systems clusters requires some additional local configuration steps. These configuration steps are documented here: Using HPCC4j with HPCC on a Kubernetes Cluster
These projects are configured to be built using Maven. To build the projects using Maven, navigate to the base directory of each project and issue the following command:
mvn install
NOTE: hpcccommons, wsclient, and dfsclient are controled via the top-level maven pom file and can be built via a single command. All sub-projects can be built individually using the pom file in each sub-project directory
For more information on how to use Maven see http://maven.apache.org
All contributions must follow the JAVA source format described in the HPCC-JAVA-Formatter.xml file which can be found in /eclipse. This formatter can be used by the Eclipse IDE to automatically format JAVA source code.
From eclipse, choose Window->Preferences->Java->Code Stype->Formatter…
Import the HPCC-JAVA-Formatter.xml file and set it as the Active profile.
From the JAVA editor, choose Source->Format